ChasingCassie Read online

Page 11

  “Do you always talk to yourself?” A smooth voice spoke behind her.

  Gasping, she stopped and turned. Her hand came up to clasp at her chest, as though trying to prevent her heart from jackhammering its way free.

  “Brynn.” She cleared her throat, gathering her nerves and her voice. “What are you, umm, doing here?”

  Her gaze darted around the street. Alarmed to find they were alone, she pulled away slowly. His lips twitched as though he were amused by her nervousness.

  He was as beautiful as she’d remembered. And her libido didn’t stir one bit. Probably due to the hunk tied to her bed.

  “I’m sorry, I wish I could stay and chat, but I’ve got to go to work.”

  “Didn’t your mama teach you that it’s not nice to lie, little doe?”

  Her eyes narrowed at him as once again she wondered who he was.

  “Don’t call me little doe. And I wasn’t lying. I do need to go to work.”

  He grinned down at her. “Oh, I know that, it was the sorry part that was a lie. So where’s the guard dog?”

  “He’s not my guard dog.”

  “Hmm, isn’t he?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Didn’t you say you had to get to work?” Abruptly he turned and walked away, leaving her gaping after him.

  “Hey, wait—”

  “You’re going to be late,” was all he said as he disappeared around the corner of a building.

  “Urgh. Weirdo.” She pondered the strange man for a moment. She wasn’t scared of him, simply cautious. She made a mental note to tell Jay about him.

  That was, if he didn’t kill her before she could explain.

  * * * * *

  “Jeez, Cass, will you chill out? Break one more plate and you’ll be owing this place money rather than making any. Bad enough that pit bull of yours has all our regulars wetting their pants, now you’re so nervous they’re wondering when the tsunami’s going to hit.”

  Cassie attempted a smile, but her nerves were too jumpy for anything more than a meager offering.

  “Sorry.” She blew out a breath. “I feel bad, you know? Leaving him there like that. I mean, I only have another few days of working, I should have—”

  “Cassie!” Ella took her by the shoulders and shook her. “Stop worrying. He’s perfectly safe. You’ll get home and find him a bit pissed and embarrassed, but he’ll get over it. I mean, what’s he going to do when you both go back to Landon? He can’t go to work with you then, can he? He’s turned into a lunatic. Now he’ll get the message that we don’t need him here, scaring all our customers.”

  “Oh, he’s gotten the message all right.” The dark, lethally quiet voice came from the kitchen doorway. Letting out impressively theatrical gasps, both women turned to find Jay standing in the doorway.

  “Oh fuck,” Cassie swore, feeling her heart sink as she gazed into Jay’s livid eyes. His face remained expressionless, aloof, but his eyes betrayed his fury.

  “I think there’s been quite enough of that today, Cassie, don’t you?” he spoke quietly.

  She gulped. “You’re really mad, aren’t you?” she whispered back, feeling herself pale as her stomach tied itself into knots. She detested confrontations, hated disappointing others. Especially him.

  With her brain screaming at her to run away from the big mad wolf standing before her, it took all of her strength to stand her ground and face him.

  “We’ll talk when I’ve finished work?”

  “I’ll be waiting in my usual place,” he replied before he turned and left the kitchen.

  Both women let out sighs of relief that would have been funny in any other circumstances. As it was, Cassie had to lean against the kitchen counter to stay upright. She felt weak with shock.

  “Shit. You want to sneak out the back? You can hide out at my place,” Ella offered.

  Cassie shook her head. “Thanks, but he’d find me.”

  “How the hell did he get free? Did Josh let him go?”

  Cassie groaned, exhausted. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, come on, we better get to work or else you’ll be fired before you can even work out your notice.”

  Confidence fully restored, Ella smoothed down her skintight t-shirt before striding out into the bar. Moving at a much slower, far less confident pace, Cassie followed her, and soon learned exactly how Jay had escaped.

  He’d been set free by his stern, disapproving older brother.

  “Who’s the hunk?” Ella whispered.

  “Jay’s older brother, Ryan.”

  “What’s he doing here?”

  “I don’t know.” Why would Ryan be here when the pack is already down three enforcers? She had a bad feeling about this.

  “Hmm, I tell you what. I’ll do you a favor and take their table for you.” Without a backward glance, Ella strode toward the table where Jay and Ryan sat.

  Cassie couldn’t help but watch. Much as she’d like to turn away, she couldn’t.

  She looked on as Ella rocked up, all sexy allure and confidence.

  She stared as Ella leaned right over into Ryan’s face, giving him a good view of her breasts.

  She gaped as Ella rocked back on her heels, standing straight and stiff.

  Then she turned quickly to wipe at the table beside her, as Ella turned on her heel and stormed her way across the room.

  “Forget it, you take care of them.”

  “Oh yay,” Cassie muttered, procrastinating. She continued to wipe the table even though it was as clean as it was going to get. When she noticed Jay walking toward the restroom, she breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he was out of sight, she stalked over to where Ryan was sitting.

  “What can I get you, Ryan?” she asked.

  “My brother back home where he belongs, without you,” he replied harshly.

  Air left her lungs in a huge whoosh at his cold, disdainful tone.

  “I-I’ll see what I c-can do,” she stuttered before turning tail and practically running out the front door of the bar. Leaning against the wall, she concentrated on breathing. She held a trembling hand over her eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Cassie?”

  She dropped her hand, startled to find Jay standing before her. “Don’t sneak up on me,” she snapped. Taking a step forward, she attempted to move around him.

  But Jay merely shifted so he was standing in her way. He continued to do this for the next thirty seconds, as she lost what dignity she had left and attempted to dodge her way around his irritatingly quick, wide body.

  “Let me past, Jay.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “I have to finish my shift,” she replied as calmly as she could.

  “Don’t try to shut me out, Cassie. We’ll talk now. Ella can handle it all for a bit.”


  “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. I can’t believe you cuffed me in silver and then took off on your own. What did you think you were doing, Cassie? What possessed you? Was this Ella’s idea?”

  “No, this was not Ella’s idea.” She glared at him. “I can think for myself. This was all my idea and it’s all your fault.”

  “My fault?” He put a hand to his chest. “It’s my fault I was handcuffed naked to the bed? It’s my fault that I had to yell for help? Which no one responded to until Rye arrived and picked the lock on the handcuffs. Is it my fault that I spent three of the worst hours of my life wondering if you were safe? You left me, Cassie. Why?”

  Her anger deflated at the hurt she heard in his voice. The very real concern she saw clouding his eyes was her undoing.

  “I didn’t leave you, Jay. I had to have some room to breathe. It’s just—”

  “You think I smother you. You don’t want my protection, my attention?” He started to turn away but she grabbed his arm, stalling him. Hugging him from behind, she whispered against his back, knowing he could easily hear her.

  “No, it’s not that.” She bit at her lower lip.

>   “Tell me then, Cassie. What is this about?”

  “I love the attention you give me. That you protect me. Nobody has ever loved me or noticed me the way you do.”

  “Then why?”

  “I guess it’s like being freezing cold and then stifling hot. Going from one extreme to the other is hard for me to deal with. I didn’t quite expect it. I mean, I’ve seen Cooper with Laney, I’ve seen how attentive he is, but I didn’t think you’d act that way toward me. Look, we’ve been together for such a short time. It’s going to take us a while to get used to each other, to iron out all the kinks. We need to get some better communication happening. I tried to talk to you, but you blew me off.” She tried not to make it into an accusation.

  He turned and clasped her cheeks in his hands, raising her face up to his.

  “I love you. And the thought of someone hurting you, of you being unhappy or in pain… I want to prevent that. I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you.”

  “I know you do. But you were growling at every customer who even looked at me. Poor Mr. Jensen drops his gaze to his feet every time I come near. He went to take a sip of beer yesterday and completely missed his mouth.”

  Jay grinned. “Okay, point taken, maybe I could ease off a little. But it’s mainly because I’m in unknown territory. Once we get back to the estate, I’ll ease up and you’ll have much more freedom.”

  “Are you sure the pack will accept me?” Old insecurities were hard to let go of, and she still didn’t have his confidence about the pack accepting her. Particularly after Ryan was so cold to her just now.

  “Of course they will, why wouldn’t they? You’re wonderful.”

  “Ryan doesn’t seem to think so. I don’t think you’ve thought this through, Jay.”

  Jay grabbed her arm suddenly, startling her. “What did Rye say?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I better get back to work,” she said quickly, not wanting him to question her further. “Ella will be tearing her hair out.”

  “No great loss there,” he muttered.

  “Hey,” she punched him lightly in the arm as she passed, “I think her hair’s funky.”

  “Cassie.” She stopped at the door, turning toward him. “Look, ignore Rye. He doesn’t speak for the pack. Everything is going to be all right. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she replied, still feeling uncertain.

  Leaning down, he gave her a hard, bruising kiss.

  “Good, now get your butt back to work before you get fired.”

  “Urgh.” She glared up at him in mock anger before turning and walking away, smiling as she heard him chuckle behind her.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Ahh, the person I was looking for.”

  Cassie gasped, dropping the rubbish bag she’d been carrying.

  “Drat. Were you trying to sneak up on me? Couldn’t you have made some noise or something?”

  Ryan appeared mildly surprised as he peered down at her. Then he picked up the bag of rubbish and threw it into the dumpster.

  “We need to talk.”

  She frowned. “Why? What about?”

  He leaned back against the wall of Fat Eddy’s. “Don’t act dense. You know what I’m talking about. You need to leave him.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You need to leave Jay, break things off with him. Tell him you don’t want to be with him, that it was all a lie, whatever. But you need to ensure that he comes back to the pack, and that you don’t come with him.”

  Pain lashed her insides but she kept her face impassive. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d wounded her.

  “What gives you the right to decide Jay’s life for him?”

  “Look, it’s nothing personal, I’m sure you’ll make someone a good wife, partner, whatever, one day. But you’re not right for Jay. And seeing as how he won’t listen to me, you’ve got to see sense or you’re both doomed.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Werewolves and humans aren’t supposed to mix. He knows that, he’s experienced it before and he doesn’t deserve a repeat heartache. Do you know he swore never to be with a human woman again after that bitch Lia hurt him? I won’t let you fuck him over. You’re not his true mate, you can’t be. What if he finds her? What do you think will happen then? I’m trying to save you both some heartache in the long run. I’ll give you the money to set yourself up somewhere else.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You’re going to pay me to leave your brother.” This was bizarre, unbelievable.

  “The pack needs Jay home. What he doesn’t need is for you to tag along. All I’m asking is that you do the right thing. Give him a chance to find his true mate. If you loved him, you’d do that for him.”

  “Is that the only reason you came here? To convince me to let him go?”

  “Actually, I came to convince him to come home. Without you. But he won’t listen. You should.”

  With that said he turned away, leaving a spluttering Cassie staring after him in shock.

  “Are you going to let him get away with that?” The low voice came from behind her and she turned, placing her hand against her chest.

  “Why does everyone have to sneak up on me?” she gasped, glaring up at Brynn.

  “You can’t let him talk to you that way,” he commented mildly, staring down at her. He looked completely out of place in the grubby alley, dressed in an expensive white shirt, dark pants and blazer. “You roll over and he’s going walk all over you. You have to get in there and tell him what you think of his suggestion.”

  “I can’t. I can’t go in there and make a scene.”

  “Why not?”

  “B-because I c-can’t,” she stuttered. “Anyway, why should I take your advice? Who are you? How did you even hear what we were talking about?”

  He smiled. “I have my ways. It doesn’t matter why I’m giving you advice, only that you should take it.”

  “But he’s Jay’s brother, I should try to get along with him.”

  “Why? Is he trying to get along with you? No. Or is it that you don’t think your relationship is worth fighting for? If that’s the case then shrug off what he said, let your werewolf leave and find a relationship you would fight to protect, to keep.”

  She swallowed, feeling sick, knowing he was right. Bloody hell.

  “Do you want to be with Jay?”

  “Of course I do.” She wasn’t quite sure why she was standing here, still talking to him. He was a stranger, he was weird. Yet she needed some advice, and for some reason he was trying to give her some.

  “But you don’t care if his pack regards you as beneath him? As inferior?”

  “Of course I care. I want them to accept me.”

  “Then you have to fight back. You have to earn their respect.”

  He turned away.

  “Wait. Who are you?” She ran after him, reaching out to grab his arm, confused when she found herself grasping at air. She hadn’t even seen him move, yet now he stood two yards away.

  “How did you do that?”

  He grinned at her. “Oh, I’m full of hidden talents.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re not human, are you? What are you?”

  “Ahh, I’m something you’ve probably never met before. But enough about me. Now are you going to walk inside and teach that werewolf not to mess with you? Are you going to fight for what you want?”

  “I still don’t understand why you’re trying to help me. I don’t know you.”

  “Don’t you? Don’t you recognize me?”

  She tried to think. Had she met him before?

  “I’m told I look a lot like my father.”

  Again, nothing clicked.

  “Your mother never told you what your father looked like? No, I guess not. I’m here because of you, Cassie. I can’t tell you everything right now, but trust me in this. If you plan on living with werewolves, you have to take a stand. Stick up for yourself.”

  “What? No.
Hey wait,” she called out, moving after him as he started walking away. “Are you saying that you know my father?”

  “I knew him. Because he was my father too.”

  With that he simply disappeared. Cassie chased after him, racing around the corner of the building, certain he’d be there. But there was no one in sight. She took a deep breath, trying to still her shaking.

  “What the hell? What the hell?” she whispered to herself.

  “Cassie? Cassie, where are you? Oh, there you are. What on earth are you doing? I thought you were taking the trash out but you’ve been gone twenty minutes.”

  Cassie turned and gazed at Ella. The look of annoyance faded from the other woman’s face as she stepped forward and grasped Cassie’s arm.

  “Hey, are you all right? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Yeah, or a figment of my imagination.”


  “Nothing, umm, I’m fine.”

  “Yeah? You don’t look fine, you’re pale and shaking.”

  Cassie shook herself. “I, umm, had a run-in with Ryan. It shook me up a bit.”

  Ella snorted. “I’m not surprised, that guy is a jerk. I hope you told him where to go.”

  “No.” Cassie shook her head, building up her courage. She wasn’t going to let Ryan push her away from Jay. She wasn’t going to settle for living on the outside looking in. Jay was hers and if she had to fight for him she would. “But I’m about to.”

  “Oh, goody. Wait, let me go and get into a good position. I don’t want to miss a second of this.”

  Ella turned and practically ran through the back entrance of Fat Eddy’s. Cassie moved at a slower pace, trying to push her thoughts about Brynn to the side. She couldn’t do anything about some mysterious half brother at the moment, but she could show an arrogant, cold werewolf that she wasn’t going to roll over and play dead.

  Taking a deep, bolstering breath, she stepped into Fat Eddy’s and walked over to where Ryan and Jay sat.

  Cassie came to a stop beside them and slammed her palm down on the table. Both men looked up at her—Jay with surprise, Ryan with a cool, dismissive glance. She leaned down and stared into Ryan’s face. His eyes widened before he narrowed them, glaring at her.