ChasingCassie Read online

Page 10

  He frowned. “Why didn’t they approve of your mom?”

  “Mom was very pretty, a romantic. She believed that one day her soul mate would come, her knight in shining armor who would sweep her off her feet and take her away from the drudgery of real life, where she had to clean other people’s houses to pay the rent on a dingy trailer. There were a lot of men, which was what everyone disapproved of.

  “Each time a new man came along in her life she’d be so happy, she’d laugh, have fun. She’d say that this was the one, the one she would marry. But none of the men ever stayed. When they left she grew really depressed. Until the next one came along. I gave up listening after a while.”

  “That must have been hard on you.”

  Cassie shrugged. “No one ever hurt me or abused me. They never really noticed me, I guess.”

  “Oh baby.” He drew her close and kissed the top of her head. “How could she do that to you? Abandon you like that?”

  She would not cry. She refused to shed any more tears for a past that could not be changed. “That’s a bit dramatic, it wasn’t so bad.”

  “She was selfish. You should have come first in her life, instead she pushed you aside. You shouldn’t have had to fight to get her attention, her love, it should have just been a given. You must have felt rejected.”

  She shrugged, but he’d hit the nail on the head.

  “She wasn’t a bad person. I always had a roof over my head, food in my belly. I think she tried as best she could. Perhaps I gave up on her too easily.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” He clasped her face in his hands. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”

  She was a little self-conscious now that she’d bared herself to him. He gathered her into his arms. “You don’t ever have to hold back with me, Cassie. I’d love to know everything about you, the good and the bad. There’s stuff in my life that I’d rather not have anyone else know, but if you leave it inside it festers, it ends up hurting you. And I would do anything to keep from you from hurting. Which is why I’m going to do my best to never let you down.”

  She kissed him, smiling. “I know. I’m not used to being in a relationship, not used to sharing everything about myself with someone. But I do trust you not to hurt me.”

  She fell silent, thinking.

  “You’re worrying too much,” he murmured.

  She shook her head.

  “Hey now, what were we just talking about? No holding back. Talk to me.”

  “You’re needed back with your pack. I’m being selfish. I think we should go back tomorrow.”

  “It’s not selfish. I know you’re worried about living on the estate. I understand that you’re scared you won’t fit in. I promise you that given time you will. The pack will be fine without me for a couple more days. If things change we may have to move suddenly. But you’ve only got a few more days of work. The pack can wait that long.”

  “Thank you for being so patient with me. I know it hasn’t been easy for you.”

  “I always want to do what’s best for you, Cassie, always.” She hugged him, aware of how lucky she was to have found such a wonderful man.

  * * * * *

  He was impossible.

  For the last two nights, he’d sat in Fat Eddy’s and scowled menacingly at every male customer who’d come in. Didn’t matter how old, young, fat, smart or dumb, he seemed to take exception to every one of them.

  She was getting the worst tips ever.

  She’d attempted to get him to stay at home, but he’d refused, insisting on coming with her. Each night she hoped he’d get better. That he’d see she wasn’t in any danger. But if anything, he was getting worse.

  “Stop growling.” Her hands found their way to her hips as she glowered at him. He was sitting at his usual table, his back to the wall, facing the door so he could see everyone who entered.

  “What?” he snapped back. His previously rare displays of temper had become more common of late. She knew he was feeling the strain of being away from the pack, but each time she tried to broach the subject he brushed her aside.

  Yep, he was impossible.

  “You’re scaring all my customers. I’ve made a measly thirty bucks in tips tonight. If you can’t be nice, stay at home.”

  “They’re flirting with you and you’re encouraging it.” Anger had brightened his eyes so they seemed to shimmer, even in the dim light of the bar.

  “That’s the way it works, Jay. If I want tips, I give my customers what they want. If they want to flirt, I flirt.”

  “You give them what they want?” His voice was ominously soft as he frowned up at her.

  Cassie sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that, you fool. You’re being absolutely ridiculous. Women the world over go to work without a guard dog. I don’t need your protection, Jay.”

  “Too bad,” he rumbled, his tone telling her that he didn’t give a hoot what she thought. “You’ve got it, and I’m staying where I am. Stop the flirting, or I’ll stop it for you.” His gaze roamed the room once more, dismissing her.

  Holding back the impulse to stomp her foot and screech like a banshee, she turned away. Gripping the dirty plates tightly in her hands, tempted to smash them over his stubborn head, she walked into the kitchen. She knew male werewolves were protective of their mates, but this was over the top. The gloves had come off. She’d given her commitment to a relationship with him and he’d dropped all pretense of normality and had become a possessive, overprotective lunatic.

  “You have got to do something about your damn guard dog out there.” Ella slammed her way into the kitchen and dropped the pile of plates she held onto the bench. The bottom one smashed, which sent her off cursing loudly. “Bad enough that he growls at any male customers you have. But now he’s scaring away mine as well! Even my tits aren’t getting tips, and we both know the girls never strike out.”

  Cassie had to smile at that, even though Ella wasn’t joking.

  “I’m serious, Cass. At this rate I’m not going to be able to buy any groceries let alone this cute pair of heels I saw online.” Ella was addicted to online shopping.

  A pang of guilt hit Cassie. Ella was right. Jay was acting like a pit bull guarding his bone. It had to stop.

  “I know, I’m sorry, but he insists on coming with me to work each day. I’ve tried talking, pleading, yelling—he ignores me. Maybe I should go back to Landon with him now instead of working out my notice.”

  Ella suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her around before shaking her hard.

  “If you want to work out your notice, work out your notice. Although, believe me, you don’t owe that sleaze Jimmy anything. Stand up to Jay.”

  “Do you know how hard it is to argue with a brick wall?” Irritated, Cassie shrugged off Ella’s hands.

  “Then do what I do. Use sex to get your way.”

  A snort of laughter escaped her. “Yeah, I don’t think I can do that.” I don’t have the gumption, do I?

  “You’ve gotta do something, Cass. We’re dying out there. I know you’ve got a brain, get creative.”

  Cassie spent the rest of her shift thinking. As the last patrons were leaving at closing time, she grabbed Ella, drawing her aside.

  “You know, I do have an idea. I’m going to need some help, though.” She quietly outlined her plan to Ella. When she was finished, Ella let out a small whoop.

  “And here I thought you were such a nice girl.”

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, her plan was ready to go. Her nerves were wound so tight she felt a little lightheaded and ill. She could do this, though. She had to do this. It was time to show Jay that she wasn’t a pushover. If she let him continue bossing her around then she’d never break him of the habit.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want his protection, she did. But he was overwhelming her with his hovering.

  Guilt gnawed at her. She’d heard so many women complain about how little attention they received from their husb
ands and boyfriends. Their men went to work, they came home, ate, drank, watched TV, went to bed, and that was it. She didn’t want that, to be ignored. But she needed to have her views heard and taken seriously. To do that, though, she had to first get his attention.

  Boy was she going to get his attention.

  Looking at herself in the mirror one last time, she took a fortifying breath, almost pitching her breasts out of the cups of the miniscule gown Ella had given her. Cassie had never owned anything so provocative, so revealing and so incredibly sexy in her life. Pinching her cheeks to add color, she winked at herself. She felt attractive. The crimson-colored nightie stretched tightly over her breasts then flowed out from her body in a wave of sheer, soft lace. She was bare beneath the lace, which ended midway down her thighs. Red high heels were an added touch she would never have thought of, but Ella had insisted she borrow them.

  Moving toward the closed bedroom door, Cassie looked back at the bed, making certain everything was ready. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, her gaze drawn to where Jay sat on the sofa, flicking through the TV channels.

  She knew it was tough on him, being here when the pack needed him at home. They hadn’t figured out who had bombed the shop yet, but Jay said Cooper was waiting for Dusty to come home to organize a pack gathering. Hopefully, the werewolf who bombed the shop belonged to one of the packs nearby and Dusty would be able to pinpoint who he or she was.

  She’d tried to convince Jay to go back to the estate. That she would follow. But he refused every time, and each day he got grouchier and more overprotective. She knew he liked to be in control. As an enforcer, he was used to taking care of others, taking charge. It was instinct, second nature. But Ella was right, if she let him get away with this behavior now, it would send him the wrong message. He would think that he could act this way all the time. No way was she going to have that.

  “Jay,” she whispered huskily. His gaze rose, his eyes widening with astonishment. His mouth dropped open slightly as he stared over at her.

  “Umm,” he murmured. Hunger was clearly etched on his face and she felt her body stir in reply. Their sex life had suffered since he’d started behaving like an overprotective idiot. But her attempt to punish him by withholding herself was backfiring on her. She was suffering just as badly as he was, if not more. “Come here.” She beckoned at him with a finger, feeling a bit foolish—after all, what did she know about seduction?

  He rose suddenly and walked toward her, his gaze roaming her body. His reaction was everything she could have hoped for and more.

  As he walked toward her, she quickly took a step back, avoiding his reaching hands. She had to remain in complete control.

  Which was much, much harder than it sounded.

  “What? I’m not allowed to touch?” He followed her to the bed, his gaze hungry. She dangled the eye mask from her fingers and waved toward the bed where two fluffy sets of handcuffs were already attached and dangling from the iron rungs of the headboard.

  “No, you’re not. Now lie down like a good boy.”

  His eyes narrowed, the arousal in them clearing for a second. She forced herself not to panic, knowing he’d be able to hear her heart race.

  “Don’t you have to go to work soon?”

  “Let me worry about that,” she purred, her hands moving to undo his belt, deliberately not answering. She didn’t want to be forced into a lie, knowing he’d sense it.

  Surprisingly, he let her strip him without another word, his gaze, piercing in its intensity, locked on her face. When he lay back and let her cuff him to the bed, she almost sighed in relief. Instead, she covered her reaction with a long, searching kiss that left them both panting like racehorses after a heat.

  Barely holding back a grin, Cassie covered his eyes with the mask.

  “Remember, love, what happened to you the last time you tied me up.”

  Cassie shivered, remembering all too well, knowing this time wouldn’t result in anything close to that pleasurable experience.

  He was going to be furious with her, she knew. But he’d get over it, and hopefully he’d realize his behavior was out of order. She might be fragile in comparison to him, but she wasn’t weak and she wouldn’t be smothered. It was a fine balance, she realized. She loved having his attention, loved knowing that he cared so much about her. She loved him. She did. Even if he had been driving her nuts lately.

  Believing it was unfair to tie him up and leave him hungering, Cassie began kissing her way down his smooth chest. She straddled his head and shoulders, facing away from him, then licked her way down his stomach.

  She yelped, startled as his hot tongue swiped through her folds. Turning sharply, she almost fell onto the bed.

  “I haven’t lost all my senses, love. I can still smell and, yum, taste.”

  She didn’t know whether to laugh or scold.

  “Now get back over here so I can continue,” he ordered, obviously expecting to be obeyed.

  “Oh no,” she replied, straddling his stomach this time so she could easily reach his quivering, thick rod. “You’re not distracting me from my prize.”

  “What pr—? Ahh.” He let out a loud moan as she licked up his shaft before twirling her tongue around the thick head.

  “Far be it for me to deny you,” he panted as she continued to bathe him until he glistened.

  Drawing back, she clasped his cock between her hands, running them up and down, loving the feel of him—warm, heavy, satisfyingly aroused. Then, clasping the base of his erection, she took as much of him as she could into her mouth until his tip touched the back of her throat. Swallowing, her own need grew with his appreciative moan.

  “Ride me, Cassie. God, ride me.”

  She moved back and shook her head before realizing he couldn’t see her.


  “Yes. Bring that luscious pussy up to my mouth so I can make sure you’re ready, then ride me.”

  Sighing in irritation, she shook her head yet again. “Have you forgotten who is in charge here, mister?”

  “My sweet little dictator, you can make all the moves.”

  “Really?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Really, and I know you’re longing to move that sweet pussy up here so I can lick those plump lips and suck on your little clit. Come here, love.”

  “No,” she replied. But when he tensed she realized he was going to try to break the bonds. She moved.

  “Stay still,” she ordered.

  Quickly shimmying her way down his body, she grabbed his cock, slipping a condom over him before she slowly impaled herself.

  “Oh, Cassie, love, that’s the way. Now ride me, baby, ride me.”

  “I should have gagged you,” she panted, indeed riding that thick, sexy cock.

  Orgasm took her by surprise. Intense and furious, her shout of satisfaction filled the room. Still driving herself down onto his shaft, she leaned over so she could take his mouth with hers. She kissed him hungrily, madly until his own cry of joy erupted. She fell against him, exhausted.

  Shaken by her reaction—she hadn’t meant to find orgasm herself—it took a moment for Cassie to gather the energy and wits to move off Jay’s delectable body.

  “Stay still, I’m not finished with you yet,” she ordered huskily. Stumbling slightly, her legs shaking, she moved to the bathroom. Stripping naked, she tugged on the work clothes she’d set out earlier.

  “Cassie?” Jay called.

  “I’m coming back,” she answered him.

  “What you doing?”

  “Tidying myself up,” she replied, close to tears as the zipper of her shorts became stuck. Betrayal, nerves and a little excitement shimmied through her body, leaving her feeling breathless. Jay must have picked up on her clash of emotions as she noticed him stir. At last the zipper moved and she threw on her t-shirt as she raced back to the bed. Cassie leaned over and kissed Jay on the forehead.

  “Don’t be too mad, okay?” She walked swiftly toward the door
. “I’ll bring you back some dinner.”

  “Cassie.” His voice was a low rumble. “What’s going on, what do you mean ‘don’t be mad’? What have you done?”

  “I’ll see you later. Don’t strain against the handcuffs,” she ordered, wincing as she noticed him trying to break free. “You’ll hurt yourself. I had silver cuffs covered in fluffy material. They won’t hurt you, just weaken you a little so you won’t be able to break free or shift.”

  “What? Why?” he yelled.

  “Because I have to go to work. Without you. Bye,” she yelled at him before slamming the apartment door shut.

  “You sure about this?”

  Josh’s voice startled her. His face was as serious as she’d ever seen it as he leaned against the wall outside her apartment.

  “No,” she sniffled, wiping under her eyes to catch any stray tears. Lord, she felt terrible about locking Jay to the bed. “But I had to do it.” She’d told Josh her plans, to stop him from storming into her apartment when he heard Jay crying out—if Jay decided to yell out. She wasn’t certain his pride would allow him to ask for help. It wasn’t necessary to tell her other neighbor. Mr. Rawson was as deaf as a post and nearly as blind.

  “Go on then, get to work. I’m leaving in an hour for Chicago. See you when I get back.” Leaning down, he gave her a hug and she smiled.

  “Thanks for everything, Josh,” she whispered.

  “Hey.” He wiped his thumbs over her cheeks. “I’ll be back in a few days, I’ll see you then.”

  “If Jay hasn’t killed me.”

  Josh’s eyes darkened as he frowned. “You think he’ll hurt you?”

  “No.” She shook her head, smiling. “He’d never hurt me. He might lock me up for a year, but he’d never hurt me.”

  Josh snorted. “If you were mine, I’d spank your ass for a stunt like this.”

  “I’ve got to go.” She began walking, unable to stand outside her door any longer when Jay was naked and bound inside. She was tempted to turn tail, run back inside the apartment and resume the position she’d just left.

  “Tempting, very, very tempting,” she muttered to herself, still shaking as she began to walk briskly down the block. She glanced at her watch. “Drat, I’m going to be late.”